Dr. Markus Biedermann: PhD in Business and Entrepreneurship and MBA Aviation and Tourism Management alumni
This time, we are meeting Dr. Markus Biedermann, Director Operational Support at DFS GmbH, Lecturer and MBA alumni.
Markus graduated in 2015 with the second cohort of our MBA Aviation and Tourism Management. The past 7 years served as a showcase for an exciting professional career development as well as a life of constant learning, which rewarded Markus with a PhD in Business and Entrepreneurship. But let`s start from the beginning.
Markus, what made you decide to take on the MBA program in 2012 being an Air Traffic Control Supervisor in Munich?
Back then, I was still junior in managerial roles but with the vision and aim to take further steps whilst maintaining the focus on the aviation industry. Combining in depth professional knowledge with a solid academic background was the foundation, I wanted to ground my further career upon. The MBA program was the perfect combination of academic standards and industry knowledge with that little extra of exciting fireside chats and networking events. Plus, my fellow students where from across all partners in the aviation industry and beyond, which allowed insights from different angles and levels of experience. I can´t think of any other MBA program, that would combine sound academic knowledge and industry experience to such a high degree.
And where did life take you after the program?
The MBA was a kickstarter for my career. Shortly after graduation I got offered an exciting Executive Management position in the U.K. as General Manager Air Traffic Services at Gatwick Airport. From there I continued after a couple of years to Munich Airport and today I am “back” in Frankfurt as Director Operational Support at the DFS GmbH. I am certain that this would not have been possible without this program.
That sounds like an exciting career path. From which part of the program did you benefit the most?
The fundamentals of finance and project management on the one hand and the management skill like leadership training, negotiation skills and rhetoric were key elements for success during the past years for me. And believe it or not, the tight schedule with all the papers that had to be written were a perfect training to follow a thorough plan whilst structuring ones own work rigurously.
I still benefit from these skills.
But you still stayed loyal to the academic world even after the program, right?
That’s correct, I joined the University of Applied Sciences as a Lecturer on the one hand, but I also decided to take on the challenge of doing a PhD. Supported by one of the lecturers of this program, I joined the University of Gloucestershire and just briefly I got the award and am now also holding a PhD in Business and Entrepreneurship alongside the MBA. Although not directly related to this program, I would most probably not have managed to achieve all that.
Congratulations on this huge success. Do you have any advice for our current or future students?
Success is all about what you make about it. Stay focussed and even if it sometimes feels difficult, always remember that it is not about speed, it`s about endurance and perseverance. Listen and learn to whoever is willing to teach you. Digest what you hear and make it your own. Become a better you one step at a time. Stay vigilant and ready to take an opportunity when it arises. The best opportunities show up unplanned.
Thank you for your time.
More Information about our MBA Aviation and Tourism Management.