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M.A. Counseling in the Workplace

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coaching, mediation, supervision and organizational consulting

M.A. Counseling in the Workplace

Continuing education in coaching, mediation, supervision and organizational consulting

A german-language study program

The aim of the part-time master's program is to achieve qualification and quality standards for scientifically based counseling in the world of work: coaching, mediation and supervision are integral components of the understanding of counseling. The professionalization of work-related counseling is supported by the inclusion of current research and the use of scientifically verified theories and procedures.

The program is aimed at university graduates or professionals with at least three years of professional and management experience who wish to further develop their skills in moderation, coaching, mediation, supervision and organizational consulting in a scientifically sound and practical manner.

Further information, as well as our info brochure can be found at the bottom of this page.

Coaching, Mediation, Supervision and Organizational Consulting:
5 Certificates and one Master

Your benefits:

Qualify now for a wide range of career prospects and lay the foundations for your work as a coach, mediator, supervisor and organizational consultant.

Through the modularly structured master's degree program, you will acquire a certificate after each semester. This offers you the opportunity to become professionally qualified in the respective counseling formats and to establish yourself as a professional counselor even before you have completed your studies.

With the assistance of excellent lecturers, the program boasts an excellent reputation throughout Germany. Benefit from a rich experience and a wide range of knowledge.

The part-time master's program is accredited (AHPGS); in addition, the supervision training is certified by the German Society for Supervision (DGSv).

More information about our Master Program here!

Ulrike Michalski

House of Science and Transfer, 1.OG

Tel. : +49 69 1533-2680
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Was unsere Studierenden und Absolvent/-innen denken

"Die humanistische Grundhaltung hat mich begeistert. Großartige Dozenten gaben uns neben der Theorie auch viele praktische Einblicke. Ich konnte meine Persönlichkeit und Haltung weiter entfalten. Darüberhinaus habe ich viele tolle Menschen und Sichtweisen kennengelernt. Insgesamt ist das Studium eine große Bereicherung für mich persönlich und meine Position als Führungskraft.“

Christine Giani

„Das Besondere ist die Kombination aus Coaching, Supervision, Mediation und Organisationsentwicklung. Als langjähriger Geschäftsführer in globalen Organisationen war das Studium eine gute Starthilfe für meine neue Karriere als Executive Coach. Ich habe durch die Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis den Weg von der direktiv ausgerichteten Rolle hinein in die Rolle eines Prozessbegleiters mit einem professionellen Selbstkonzept gehen können.“

Wendelin Meyer-Mölck

„Das Studium ist ganzheitlich aufgebaut: Ich habe die wichtigsten Bausteine verschiedenster Coaching- und OE-Ansätze kennengelernt. Dabei wurden erstklassige Gastdozenten spezieller Fachdisziplinen eingeladen. Gleichzeitig vermittelt der Studiengang eine intensive Praxis. Mir hat das Studium enorme Impulse für meine persönliche und berufliche Weiterentwicklung gegeben.“

Sarah Boost

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