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M.A. Addiction Therapy & Social Management in Addiction Support

© IgorVetushko I panthermedia

Addiction Therapy & Social Management in Addiction Support

This MBA is only offered in german.

The part-time master's program "Addiction Therapy and Social Management in Addiction Support (M. A.)" is designed to be practice-oriented. The program is offered in cooperation with the German Association for Further Education in Addiction Therapy (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Weiterbildung in der Suchttherapie gGmBH).

The admission of students is currently suspended. If you are interested in participating, please contact us for a personal consultation.

Your benefits

The goal of the holistic training is to cover current topics in addiction research, competencies and methods in therapeutic practices as well as in the management of welfare institutions.

The course is primarily aimed at social workers working in addiction support with a bachelor's or diploma degree from a university or college, as well as psychologists or licensed medical professionals.

Upon completion of the master's program, you will graduate with a dual qualification: In addition to the master's degree, you will acquire the certificate as an addiction therapist issued by the Gesamtverband für Suchthilfe e.V. (GVS) - Fachverband Diakone Deutschland. (GVS) - Professional Association of Deacons Germany. This is recognized by the German Pension Insurance Association and entitles you to work in medical addiction rehabilitation.

The program qualifies you to:

  • Work in addiction therapy in outpatient and (partially) inpatient addiction support facilities, especially in medical addiction rehabilitation
  • Lead positions in welfare institutions
  • Work in areas of quality development and applied research in addiction support institutions

More information about our MBA here.

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