Let's talk to MBA Aviation and Tourism Management graduate Ignacio Escotet Arrieta
Ignacio's professional life has been linked to the air traffic industry from the beginning. He has started his professional career as a development and requirements engineer before moving to a management position.
Besides his challenging work life, Ignacio decided to take on our MBA program Aviation and Tourism Management to even further advance his career. Let's see what he has to say.
Ignacio, could you tell us something about your educational and professional background? What is your current position at Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS)?
My whole professional life has been connected to air traffic, starting as a developer and requirements engineer and then moving on to management positions. My current role is "Referent of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence", setting up a new department in which we have a high expectation thanks to the great volume of data we share and the possibilities these data offer us in the immediate future.
In which regard did the MBA prepare you to meet the challenges of your current position?
With the two previous Masters degrees I had gained technical experience in both aviation and telecommunications, which gave me a great insight into the foundations of our industry but the MBA gave me a more direct focus on managing both people and products as well as extensive networking with professional leaders in the aviation sector with whom I continue working on a day-to-day basis.
Looking back, would you decide for our MBA Aviation and Touris Management again?
I am firmly convinced that the right MBA can give you the perfect combination of education and networking you need to take the next step in your career. In my case, the fact that the main sponsor of the "MBA Aviation and Tourism Management" is my current company, Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS), encouraged me even more to do this Master. Today I can say that it was one of the best professional decisions I have ever made in my career and that, only two years after completing it, I have more than returned on all the effort and money I invested.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us 😊?
I really recommend the MBA for many reasons but to sum it up in a few words: I think it is the perfect compromise between effort, cost and reward both professionally and on a personal level.
Many thanks for your time!