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Modules M.Sc. Urban Agglomerations

UA M1: Urban Development and Sustainable Cities
  • Theories, models, trends, and processes relating to worldwide urbanization and urban development
  • Processes and typologies of formal and informal settlements and housing provision
  • The making of city-regions, their functions, image and morphologies
  • The concept of sustainability, its history and its relationship to cities
  • Analysis of the meaning of inclusion and universal design
UA M2: Mobility in Cities
  • The traditional urban transport planning process: underlying concepts and techniques
  • A global perspective on the fundamentals of quality public transport systems and the importance and prioritisation of non-motorised modes
  • Efficient public transport in city-regions by bus, tram, underground, railway
  • Street capacities, quality of life and traffic-reducing concepts
  • Best practices and case-studies of transport projects and policies
UA M3: Social and Cultural Challenges of Cities
  • Demographics, social structure and urban development
  • Effects of globalization and migration on cities and city-regions
  • Segregation and marginalization processes
  • Citizenship, identity, diversity and the role of place in urban settings
  • Forms, methods and case-studies of public participation
UA M4: Land Management and Land Use Planning
  • Land management and land law – access to land and buildings by legal instruments, the use of lands and buildings, the impact on land real estate markets, the transfer of lands and property and tenure rights within the land management and building trades in dynamic metropolitan spaces and adjacent peri-urban areas
  • Land administration – institutional tools to secure property and tenure rights, adaptation of a land management and real estate system to the local and global application
  • Land and property valuation – the five methods for experimental valuation and building research
  • Land use planning practices in an international perspective
  • Land use planning in Germany – preparatory land use plans and binding land use plans
UA M5: Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Concepts of GIS, combining data from different sources, interaction, applications
  • Converting data to information
  • GIS practical applications for urban agglomerations
  • Introduction to the physical basics of remote sensing and to its analysis techniques
  • Lab exercises
UA M6: Scientific Methods and Academic Skills
  • General introduction to scientific research, including research standards, research design, project proposals, empirical research methods, such as surveys, questionnaires, working with data, map-based analytical tools
  • Key elements of academic essays, projects and theses
  • Different referencing styles and norms and their correct usage
  • Use of qualitative data and visual materials (drawings, photos, models, charts)
  • Academic writing exercises (essays, reports, projects)
UA M7.1: Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation (A1-Niveau)
  • Grundlegende Lexik und Morphosyntax des Deutschen
  • Einführung in die Phonetik und Intonation des Deutschen
  • Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation in deutscher Sprache im Alltag und im studien(fach)bezogenen Kontext, z.B. Termine vereinbaren
  • Lesen von dem Sprachniveau entsprechend einfachen und kurzen Texten auf Deutsch und fachbezogenen Dokumenten
  • Schreiben auf Deutsch
UA M7.2: Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation (A2-B1-Niveau)
  • Erweiterte Lexik (Alltag und Studienfach) und erweiterte Morphosyntax
  • Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation in deutscher Sprache im Alltag und in studien(fach)bezogenen Kontexten, z.B. Telefonate, E-Mails
  • Lesen von dem Sprachniveau angemessenen, noch eher kurzen Texten in einfach gehaltener Standardsprache zu vertrauten Themen des Alltags und des Studienfachs
  • Schreiben auf Deutsch
  • Vertiefung und Ausbau der Phonetik und Intonation des Deutschen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf bestehende Akzente
  • Lernstrategien wie die Nutzung von Wörterbüchern, auch elektronischen.
UA M8: Urban Infrastructure: Water and Sewage
  • Water demand and potential to reduce demand
  • Health and environmental impact aspects of water pollution
  • Components of sewage, sewage systems, stormwater management
  • Stormwater treatment and infiltration, rainwater harvesting methods
  • International examples of wastewater and stormwater projects
UA M9: Urban Infrastructure: Waste and Energy
  • Global and legal aspects
  • Waste utilization, recycling techniques, e.g. paper, plastics
  • Biological and thermal treatment (incineration plants), landfills
  • Fossil and renewable energy, e.g. heating oil, natural gas, coal, biomass, solar, hydropower, wind, geothermal
  • Energy demand of cities, e.g. heat and electricity demand, cooling
UA M10: Green and Public Spaces
  • Green cities, green infrastructure and green design
  • The oil problem in cities: Tackling fossil fuel dependence and the need for green energy alternatives
  • Elements, functions and network systems of urban and city-regional green and open spaces
  • Examples of best-practices of urban and city-regional landscape and open space development
  • The role of public space for a social and inclusive city
UA M11: Interdisciplinary Project
  • Systematic project work partly done in interdisciplinary groups on selected issues out of the different fields and scales (from the neighborhood to the region) of urban agglomerations.
  • Collection, evaluation and synthesis of quantitative and qualitative information
  • Mapping and other graphical and visual representations are a key part of project work
  • Lectures relevant to the chosen project are provided
  • Whole of class workshops as well as one-to-one guidance in project work are provided
UA M12: International Exchange Course
  • Students travel to one of our 20 partner universities and gain valuable skills, competencies and knowledge
  • Understanding of selected matters and specialized fields of urban agglomerations – such as social-cultural aspects, public participation, project management, sustainable urban and regional development, urban and landscape design, transport planning, infrastructure provision, planning methods and others – depending on the selected master program at one of the international partner universities.
  • Development of a high level of intercultural reflection and sensibility
  • Increased awareness of global development phenomena due to exposure to international, socio-cultural and academic environments
  • Development of foreign language abilities
UA M13: Master Thesis with Colloquium
  • The Master Thesis synthesizes the different knowledge gained in the previous modules of “Urban Agglomerations” and proves that the candidate is capable of pursuing a scientific career
  • It consists of conceiving and writing a thesis and/or developing a conceptual planning study under the supervision of two professors involved in the master program “Urban Agglomerations”
  • One of the supervisors can also be a professor of one of the international partner universities
  • Each student develops his/her topic independently in consultation with the supervisors
  • Finally the results are presented in a scientific colloquium

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