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Sustainable Cities, Urban Development and Infrastructure | Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)

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Sustainable Cities, Urban Development and Infrastructure | Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)

  • Available

Anna Milan

House of Science and Transfer
+49 69 1533-2637


The Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS): Sustainable Cities, Urban Development and Infrastructure combines the two certificate courses (CAS): Urban Development and Sustainable Cities and CAS: Urban infrastructure (see also the separate course descriptions of the two certificates on this website).

In view of the diverse social, cultural, technological, economic and ecological challenges that cities and urban areas around the world are facing, sustainable and future-oriented urban development can only assume its responsibility if all the disciplines involved in the planning and design of urban areas work together. This is also indicated by the global sustainability goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. For too long, people have thought and acted in separate bubbles of their different professions and departments: the architects in one area, the traffic engineers in another area, the infrastructure planners here and the landscape architects there - with neatly separated responsibilities, competencies and concepts. However, in order to be able to cope with the upcoming urban problems, the networking of knowledge and common strategic approaches are necessary, which bring together the variety of disciplines involved in a holistic and integrated planning.

The Diploma of Advanced Studies "Sustainable Cities, Urban Development and Infrastructure" provides you with a total of six study modules, comprehensive knowledge and cross-sectional skills in sustainable urban and open space development as well as in relevant areas of urban infrastructure. You deal with strategies and concepts for sustainable cities, for climate-adapted open spaces and integrative districts. You will get to know the key stakeholders involved in the planning process as well as relevant best practice examples from Europe and around the world. You will deal with solutions for environmentally friendly mobility in cities, especially in their non-motorized form and in close connection with spatial planning, and acquire an understanding of the basics of urban water supply, sustainable waste management and the future-proof energy supply of our cities.

With the transfer of the acquired, interdisciplinary knowledge into your own practice, you can analyze and reflect on current challenges of urban and infrastructure development and develop future-oriented solutions. These interdisciplinary skills qualify you for management and leadership tasks in an increasingly interdisciplinary professional field.

  • Access requirement:

    For all those who have a first university degree and those who have acquired the aptitude required for participation in the profession can be admitted to the university-certified continuing education courses. If you are seeking credit for the M.Sc. Urban Agglomerations, the admission requirements must be fulfilled. In addition, successful participation in the examinations is required. Of course, you may also participate in our continuing education courses without examinations and without acquiring ECTS credits.
  • Graduation:

    Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) “Sustainable Cities, Urban Development and Infrastructure” • Can be credited to the M.Sc. program “Urban Agglomerations” (if the admission requirements are met)


Sustainable Cities, Urban Development and Infrastructure – from the content:

  • Module Urban Development and Sustainable Cities – requirements, principles and worldwide practical examples of sustainable and inclusive urban development
  • Module Social and Cultural Challenges of Cities – stakeholders and planning approaches for socially and culturally integrating urban development
  • Module Green and Public Spaces - theoretical and practical concepts for a sustainable, climate-adapted and inclusive development of open spaces and public spaces in the city
  • Module Mobility in Cities – requirements, solutions and practical examples for sustainable mobility, especially non-motorized mobility in cities
  • Module Urban Infrastructure: Water and Sewage - basics of water supply as well as wastewater and rainwater management as part of sustainable urban development
  • Module Urban Infrastructure: Waste and Energy – basics of energy supply and waste management in urban areas

With the completion of the diploma, you will have acquired comprehensive, interdisciplinary knowledge of sustainable urban development and urban infrastructure and will be able to act in an increasingly interdisciplinary field and to take on leadership and management positions.

Certificate (CAS) and Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)

Certificate (CAS) and Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) are further education certificates that are only offered by universities. They build on each other, analogous to the bachelor's and master's system for undergraduate courses at universities. The special feature: After passing the final exam, you will receive credit points (ECTS) that can be counted towards our M.Sc Urban Agglomerations, for example. You receive 5 ECTS per module, 15 ECTS for a Certificate (CAS) and 30 ECTS for the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS). It is also possible to take part in our further training and individual modules without exams and without earning ECTS points.

Anna Milan

House of Science and Transfer
+49 69 1533-2637

Also available as in-house training!

Informationen zur Person
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Peterek

    Urbanism and Urban Design
  • Prof. Jeffrey Kenworthy PhD

    Sustainable Cities
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Paola Alfaro d’Alençon

    International Urbanism
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Caroline Günther

    Barrier-free Planning and Inclusive Cities
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Dieterle

    Sustainable Open Spaces and Urban Design
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dennis Knese

    Sustainable Mobility and Cycling
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hähnlein

    Urban Water Management and Energy
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Antje Welker

    Urban Water Management and Hydromechanics
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Monika Horster

    Urban Water Management and Waste Management
Seminar Dates
  • Module Urban Development and Sustainable Cities: 3 hours/week over 15 weeks in the winter semester 2024/25

    Module Social and Cultural Challenges of Cities: 3 hours/week over 15 weeks in the winter semester 2024/25

    Module Mobility in Cities: 3 hours/week over 15 weeks in the winter semester 2024/25

    Module Green and Public Spaces: 3 hours/week over 15 weeks in the summer semester 2025

    Module Urban Infrastructure - Water and Sewage: 3 hours/week over 15 weeks in the summer semester 2025

    Module Urban Infrastructure - Waste and Energy: 3 hours/week over 15 weeks in the summer semester 2025

    As well as the examination dates afterwards

    Examination dates following each module

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